Case Study: DBS Bank x Oo La Lab


Recreating the Scent of Money for Chinese New year


  • A unique fragrance was created inspired by the crisp scent of fresh banknotes
  • DBS Bank ran a promotion to give away 2,500 bottles of limited edition HUAT Eau De Parfum to its customers for Chinese New Year
  • The activation was widely covered by Singapore media and trade press



DBS Bank is a Singaporean multinational banking and financial services corporation and the largest bank in Southeast Asia by assets. With market-dominant positions in consumer banking and investment banking, DBS Bank tapped Oo La Lab to design a limited edition Eau de Parfum titled ‘Huat’ in celebration of Chinese New Year 2024 and help promote the use of cashless e-red packets for DBS Bank.

Huat means 'To prosper' in Hokkien ( 發/发 hoat), a Chinese dialect commonly spoken in Singapore. A phrase commonly used to welcome prosperity. The term is commonly used in conjunction with "ah", i.e. "huat ah" during Chinese New Year festivities.


We joined forces with creative agency The Secret Little Agency (TSLA) to design a fragrance as a celebration of traditions associated with Chinese New Year, where the scent of prosperity is intricately linked to the symbolism of financial success and good fortune. Inspired by the notion of wealth and abundance, 'Huat' is a hand-poured Eau de Parfum available in 30ml bottles and presented in limited quantities. 

We knew that freshly printed notes had a distinctive smell; a delicate mix of effervescent aldehydes, inky paper, and soft musk. The final result, the 'Huat' Eau de Parfum, was as close as one can get to recreating the smell of prosperity - specifically, new legal tender notes printed in Singapore. We designed 'Huat' to resonate with individuals seeking a unique and sensorial way to mark the festive season.

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